27 Latest Minute To Win It Games


Planning a party and need something to keep everyone entertained? Minute to Win It games are the perfect solution. These fun and fast-paced games add excitement to any event, requiring minimal preparation and only a few common household items. Whether you’re hosting a birthday party, holiday gathering, or a casual game night, these games will bring laughter and excitement to your group.


In this post, we’ll walk you through 29 of the latest Minute to Win It games that are perfect for any occasion. From kid-friendly options to more challenging tasks for adults, there’s something for everyone. Ready to explore these awesome games? Let’s get started!

What Are Minute to Win It Games?

Minute to Win It games are simple but thrilling challenges that can be completed in 60 seconds or less. These games are designed to be quick, fun, and suitable for all ages. The time pressure makes even the simplest task exciting, keeping everyone on their toes.

The best part? These games require little setup and use everyday items you probably have lying around. So, whether you’re hosting a last-minute party or planning in advance, you can easily pull off these activities with little fuss.

1. Cookie Face

Cookie Face is a hilarious game where players have to move a cookie from their forehead to their mouth without using their hands. This game is bound to create funny moments as people scrunch their faces to maneuver the cookie. All you need are some cookies and participants willing to look silly!

Start by placing a cookie on each player’s forehead. The challenge is to move it to their mouth using only their facial muscles. It’s trickier than it sounds, and watching players try to complete the task will have everyone in stitches.

2. Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk is a high-energy game that involves shaking out ping pong balls from a tissue box strapped to a player’s waist. It’s fast, fun, and sure to get the crowd laughing. For this game, you’ll need an empty tissue box, a belt, and some ping pong balls.

Players attach the tissue box filled with ping pong balls to their waist. The goal is to shake their hips and get all the balls out in less than a minute. It’s a hilarious sight to see players frantically moving to win!

3. Stack Attack

In Stack Attack, participants are challenged to stack plastic cups into a pyramid and then quickly dismantle it. It might sound easy, but under the time pressure, it becomes a test of speed and precision. This game requires minimal supplies—just some plastic cups.

To play, each person must build a pyramid using the cups and then take it down as quickly as possible. The speed and the risk of the cups falling make this game a real crowd-pleaser.

4. Defying Gravity

Defying Gravity is all about balance and coordination. Players must keep three balloons in the air for a full minute using only their hands. The challenge is to make sure no balloon touches the ground, which is harder than it seems with multiple balloons in play.

The game starts with players holding three balloons. As soon as the timer starts, they have to keep all the balloons floating for the entire 60 seconds. It’s a simple game but one that keeps everyone engaged and moving.

5. Noodle Pick-Up

Noodle Pick-Up requires a bit of patience and skill. Players must use a piece of uncooked spaghetti to pick up pieces of penne pasta. The twist? You can’t use your hands—only the noodle! It’s a fun and delicate game that requires focus and steadiness.

Participants begin with a piece of dry spaghetti and several pieces of penne placed on a table. They have to balance the penne on the spaghetti and transfer it to a bowl. The player with the most penne moved in one minute wins.

6. Suck It Up

In Suck It Up, players use a straw to transfer small candies like M&Ms or Skittles from one bowl to another. The catch is they can only use the straw—no hands allowed! This game is a fun test of lung power and precision.

Each participant gets a straw and two bowls—one filled with candy and the other empty. The goal is to transfer as many candies as possible by sucking them up through the straw. Whoever transfers the most candies in 60 seconds is the winner.

7. Ping Pong Bounce

Ping Pong Bounce challenges players to bounce ping pong balls into cups lined up on a table. It requires a mix of accuracy and a bit of luck. This game is great for competitive groups, as it can get intense with everyone trying to land their shots.

Players start at one end of the table, bouncing ping pong balls with the aim of landing them in the cups. Whoever lands the most balls into the cups within the time limit wins.

8. Stack It Up

Stack It Up is a balancing game that tests a player’s steadiness. Participants must stack dice on top of a popsicle stick held in their mouth. It’s a nerve-wracking game, as the slightest wobble can bring the stack tumbling down.

Each person begins with five dice and a popsicle stick. The goal is to stack the dice on the stick without them falling. The person who balances the most dice in a minute takes the win.

9. Chopstick Relay

Chopstick Relay is a game where players use chopsticks to transfer small objects, like jellybeans, from one bowl to another. No hands are allowed, so the chopsticks must do all the work. This game tests both skill and patience.

Participants each get two bowls—one filled with objects and one empty. Using only chopsticks, they have to move as many items as possible within the minute. The person with the most items transferred wins.

10. Egg Roll

Egg Roll is a game that combines skill and gentle control. Players must roll an egg across a table using a fan or a piece of cardboard. It’s not as easy as it sounds, especially since eggs are delicate!

Participants are given a raw egg and a piece of cardboard to create airflow. The goal is to roll the egg from one side of the table to the other without it falling off. The fastest player to cross the finish line wins.

11. Paper Dragon

Paper Dragon is a speedy game where participants unroll two rolls of toilet paper as fast as possible using only their hands. The challenge is to unroll them completely without breaking the paper.

Each player starts with two full rolls of toilet paper. They have to unroll both rolls using just their arms, no tearing allowed. The first person to finish wins, and it’s sure to get the room buzzing with excitement.

12. Bobblehead

Bobblehead is a quirky game where players wear a pedometer on their forehead and shake their heads to rack up steps. It’s a test of both endurance and enthusiasm as participants try to get the most “steps” in one minute.

Once the timer starts, players shake their heads vigorously, watching the step count rise. The player with the highest number of steps wins, leaving everyone breathless from laughter and effort.

13. Tissue Toss

Tissue Toss is a race to empty a tissue box, one tissue at a time. Players can only use one hand, which makes this seemingly simple task a real challenge under the clock.

Each player gets a full box of tissues and must pull them out one by one as fast as possible. The person who empties their box first wins. It’s a fun, fast-paced game that everyone can enjoy.

14. Balloon Blow

In Balloon Blow, players use the air from a blown-up balloon to knock plastic cups off a table. It’s all about strategic air release and positioning to knock down as many cups as possible.

Participants blow up their balloon and aim the released air at the cups. The player who knocks over the most cups wins, and it’s guaranteed to create a lot of excitement.

15. Cereal Scramble

Cereal Scramble is a puzzle-like game where players must reassemble the front of a cereal box that has been cut into pieces. It’s a game of both speed and problem-solving skills.

Players start with a cereal box cut into puzzle pieces. The challenge is to put the pieces back together to form the original image. The first person to complete the puzzle wins.

16. Ball Drop

Ball Drop requires players to drop ping pong balls from a height into a cup below. The challenge is the small target, which makes the game trickier than it sounds.

Players stand on a chair or stool and try to drop their balls into the cup. The person who lands the most balls in the cup within a minute wins.

17. Penny Tower

In Penny Tower, participants stack as many pennies as they can within 60 seconds. This game is all about steady hands and concentration.

Each player is given a pile of pennies and must stack them as high as possible. The tallest tower at the end of one minute wins, testing both patience and skill.

18. Sticky Situation

Sticky Situation adds a bit of mess to the fun. Players bounce ping pong balls and try to get them to stick on a piece of bread covered in peanut butter.

Participants are given bread slices with peanut butter spread on them. They have to bounce the ping pong balls and get them to stick. The player with the most balls stuck in a minute wins.

19. Movin’ On Up

Movin’ On Up is a fast-paced game that requires stacking and speed. Participants continuously move the bottom cup of a stack to the top until a designated cup returns to the bottom.

Players start with a stack of plastic cups and must keep moving the bottom cup to the top. The person who completes the sequence first wins, making it a game of quick hands and focus.

20. Water Bottle Flip

Water Bottle Flip is a simple but addictive game where participants flip a water bottle and try to land it upright. The catch? They have only 60 seconds to flip it as many times as possible.

Players begin with a water bottle filled one-third of the way. The challenge is to flip the bottle and land it upright. The person with the most successful flips wins the round.

21. Floatacious

Floatacious is all about balance and precision. Players must stack as many cups as possible on a floating plate in a bowl of water without causing it to tip over.

Each player gets a plate floating on water and several cups. The goal is to balance as many cups as possible without tipping the plate. The one with the most cups at the end of a minute wins.

22. Pasta Relay

In Pasta Relay, participants must transfer pieces of penne pasta using an uncooked spaghetti stick. It’s a delicate game that requires both patience and a steady hand.

Each player gets a piece of dry spaghetti and several pieces of penne pasta. They must pick up the penne and transfer it to another bowl without using their hands. The one with the most transfers wins.

23. Stack the Apples

Stack the Apples is a game where players must stack five apples on top of each other. While it sounds simple, the round shape of the apples makes it a real balancing act.

Participants are given five apples and must stack them without them toppling. The person who successfully stacks all five first wins, adding an element of patience to the competition.

24. Marshmallow Toss

In Marshmallow Toss, players must catch marshmallows tossed by their partner into a bowl or cup. This game requires teamwork and coordination to win.

One player tosses the marshmallows, while the other tries to catch them in a cup. The team with the most successful catches within a minute wins, making it a fun and interactive game.

25. Nose Dive

Nose Dive is a funny game where players dip their nose in petroleum jelly and use it to pick up cotton balls. They then transfer the cotton balls to another bowl using only their nose.

Participants start by applying petroleum jelly to their noses. They dip their noses in a bowl of cotton balls and move them to another bowl. The person with the most cotton balls transferred wins.

26. Cup Flip

Cup Flip challenges participants to flip a plastic cup from an upright position to upside down using just a flick of their fingers. It’s a test of skill and speed.

Players must flip the cup and try to land it upside down. The one with the most successful flips in a minute wins, making it a competitive and exciting game.

27. Candy Elevator

Candy Elevator is a tricky game where players use a string-and-pencil contraption to lift candy into their mouth. It requires coordination and focus.

Players start by attaching a piece of candy to a string tied to a pencil. Using only the pencil, they must lift the candy to their mouth without using their hands. The first to eat the candy wins.


Minute to Win It games are perfect for any party or gathering, providing quick, fun activities that are easy to set up. Whether you’re hosting a family event, a birthday party, or just looking for some friendly competition, these 29 games are sure to bring excitement and laughter to your group.

The simplicity of these games makes them accessible to all ages, and their fast-paced nature ensures that everyone stays engaged. Ready to make your next event unforgettable? These Minute to Win It games are a guaranteed hit!